I have witnessed very closely the balancing of somebody very close to our organization with 5 different diagnoses: PTSD, Clinical Depression, Clinical Anxiety, ADHD and Dyslexia. Adriana did an amazing work in a short period of time. I trust her 100%!

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Austin, TX


My name is Nancy Hilliard and I’m a 10 year Cancer Survivor.  I began seeing Adriana about 2 months ago for a severe itchy rash and other side effects I had from Chemotherapy and Radiation treatment.  I have been to a lot of Western Medicine doctors and several Naturopath Drs as well.  Adriana is the 1st one that has had supplements that have helped me and she also work with PEMF therapy and Homeopathy.

She is very caring and also has great insight into my ailments.  I would recommend her to anyone who is having new issues or those that have not been resolved by traditional Drs.

Here it is October and I have continued to see Adriana and my latest breakthrough has been my vision.  I’ve gone from wearing  2 contacts to 1.  My skin is also continuing to improve and I have more energy.   This is due to more restful sleep as well as her treatments.  I feel better than I have in years!

Nancy Hilliard (Austin, TX)

I have been Dr Jacobson patient now for 4-5 months, I used to suffer so much with stomach and bones problems,, my legs used to fall sleep to the point of not being able to walk for more than 10 minutes with a burning pain in my feet soles.

This condition did not allow me to work for 3 years and I could not exercise either. Dr Jacobson has been treating me with great supplements and different therapies. My digestive system is now very good, after some weeks of treatment I can walk, I can work and I can go out in nature and take hike.

The pain in my bones is getting better every day and my emotions are more balanced also.

I recommend all the therapies I am doing with Dr Jacobson to everyone, her treatments have change my life completely and my family also.

She is treating my 2 daughters, my father and my mother and all of us are having amazing results.


AN, Austin, Tx

I am 19 years old and at 14 years old I was first diagnosed with PTSD after my older sister took her own life on 2011.

Since then I have been diagnosed with:

  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • General Anxiety Disorder
  •  ADHD
  •  Dyslexia

I use to have more bad days then good and I have been on Anti-depression  and Anti-anxiety  meds on and off since 2011. It helps for a while and then I went back to the same old routine.

Since doing Therapy with Adriana for 4 months now and taking the Flower Essences she prepared to  addressed  stress, anxiety, focus and more, I have been less stressed and more focus than I have been in many years.

I never did the best in High School, I was “B” and “C” student, now I have all “A”s for the first time in my life and I am at my happiest I have ever been since all my diagnoses.

All this changes also help my family when they are not having to worry about me as much.

I can honestly say I have benefited so much from this therapy and I am not longer afraid to go off to a University without this complete 180 Degrees change in my life, I would still be at home unhappy and at the community college.

A.B   Austin, Texas

I have read many self-improvement books and followed many motivational speakers throughout the years, yet none of that knowledge has been comparable to the power of flower essence therapy in helping me achieve my goals.  It wasn’t long after starting my clinical flower essence therapy that I began to gain clarity on the attitudes and habits that were blocking my progress.

 I have only been in therapy a short time and I have already experienced subtle but powerful changes. I find myself reacting differently under stressful circumstances and I feel less stress overall and much more clarity in my life, not to mention better sleep.

Ari H. Houston, Tx

First, I want to say Thank you Adriana Jacobson for the beautiful work you do helping people with The Clinical  Therapy with Flower Essences.

One year ago, I did meet Adriana, at that moment I was in a very bad crises, I was getting separated from a 23 years marriage and it was not easy.

She started to treat me, I had a very deep Depression, I did not wanted to get out of bed and I had terrible thoughts…….

I started the Flower Essences and they were magical, right away my mood started to change and my life started to change, I did see my life in a different way.

My 2 daughters also did the therapy and it did made me so happy to see them happy and huge changes.

She addressed no just my depression, also my insecurity, lack of energy to keep going in life and so many other things.

I just can say: Thank you Adriana, you were my Angel, the one I ask GOD to place in my journey.



Norma Tristan.  Houston, Tx

My three year old son has made significant changes in his behavior and it has only been a few days since he began his therapy. He has been sleeping like never before and has an overall more positive attitude with less temper tantrums.

I highly recommend Flower Essence clinical therapy with Dr Jacobson as part of one’s self improvement program and for the entire family.

Ari, Houston Tx

Thank you Adriana for the clinical  Therapy with Flower Essences for my grandson who is ADHD and mildly on the Autistic spectrum mainly for behavioral issues, speech delay and melt downs.  His vocabulary and sentence formation is improving.  His behavior and brain function (focus) has improved a great deal.  He is much calmer and able to focus on activities more.  His aggressive behavior has improved a great deal and he’s able to play well with other children.  His melt downs are less now and he’s more cooperative.  He thrives on the praises he receives from us as we are proud of his better choices and calmness.

We also are using the radiation protections products on all of our Apple devices!

-Lisa H (Houston, TX)

My son has had a hard time with articulating his words.  He also has some learning difference that make it difficult for him to remember letters and numbers.

When he started doing the clinical Therapy with flower essences, he could only remember a few letters.  After taking flower essences for only a few months, he is able to remember more letters than not, and his speech has improved quite a bit.  His teachers have even commented about the changes they have seen, and they are unaware of his flower essence therapy.

We have greatly enjoyed the results of using flower essence therapy and are grateful for Adriana!

JH, Houston, Texas

I made a lot of changes in my lifestyle that mainly helped me recover my physical health. However, my emotional state still needed a lot of help. Thanks to Adriana and her wonderful Therapy with  Flower Essences, I’ve been able to let go of so many things. I’m still working on issues, but so far, the journey has been very pleasant and obviously, extremely helpful.

It’s so wonderful when the light finally can be seen at the end of a very dark and long tunnel.

Thank You Adriana!

Debbie C.Houston, TX.