PEMF Therapy for Old Injuries
PEMF therapy is an electrotherapeutic approach that manages pain by improving the circulation of blood and boosting of energy levels in arteries and capillaries. With the enhanced blood flow, the therapy reduces inflammations, redevelops damaged tissues and speeds up the repair process of fractured bones and ripped tendons.
PEMF therapy can also help old injuries by speeding up subtle healing, which makes you look and feel stronger, healthier, and eventually improves your performance. One of the vital functions of the therapy is the stimulation of cellular mitochondria, which enhances the healing process of old injuries.
In the case of a traumatized tissue resulting from an old injury, PEMF stimulates the process of edema reduction and prevents the hardening of muscles around the injured part of your body. Individuals who develop edema (abnormal accumulation of fluid in tissues) can use the therapy to stimulate the flow of electric impulses across the cell membrane to hasten the healing process.
PEMF therapy also reduces the likelihood of having torn or tense tendons and muscles. If you injure any part of your body, the device produces electrical variations that reach the cells and triggers metabolism on the cellular levels. The cells respond by vibrating faster, which stimulates the repair process of proteins contained in them. This continuous process ensures quicker healing and reduced pain, which also prevents you from developing any chronic conditions as well as additional disabilities.
PEMF therapy is known to infiltrate the deepest parts of tissues without damaging or negatively affecting the superficial tissues. For fresh injuries, the therapy helps reduce swelling and accelerates the elimination of contaminated blood from bruises, which results in faster recovery.
Professional athletes can manage their injuries and return to training or competition as desired. For old injuries, PEMF re-energizes damaged cells by inducing electrical changes within that cell to restore it to its healthy state. This increased excitement causes blood cells to regenerate, improves blood circulation, and increases the capacity of cells to carry oxygen.