PEMF: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Austin | 941-587-5300
We can think about our body as Electrical; we can read a lot about it in the book The body Electric by Dr. Robert Becker M.D. A simple example could be to image our cells as small batteries and as batteries our cells can wear out, get deficient, or overused caused by different factors such as stress, fatigue, age, damage, abuse– making it more difficult for the cells to fight off any type of illness or damage.
The process of PEMF: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (Whole body combined system) involves directing powerful, pulsed energy waves toward the whole body and the body’s system will address personal needs for balance, healing, injuries and much more. My specific system addresses not just pulse energy waves; it also does Rife frequencies, harmonics, noble gases and sound all in once. These waves painlessly and quickly pass through the cells in the affected area, increasing the spin of their electrons contained within them. The cells in our whole body become recharged, giving them the energy they need to recover and heal. Our Therapies are safe, touch free, full body, meditative, and rejuvenating treatments designed to restore strength, stamina, coordination and mental clarity. The system will address personal needs for balance, healing, injuries and much more. My specific system is 100% natural, uses full spectrum light and harmonic frequencies to deliver restorative energy that helps align the body and mind. These waves also increase the vibration rate as they pass through the cells in the affected area,
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Looks like a relaxing way to get treatments without having to be hooked up to any machine directly.