Flower Essences
What are flower essences?
Flower essences are herbal infusions, made from the FLOWER which is the most evolved part of the plant. They address in a unique way mental and emotional attitude and expression of wellness. The first 38 flower remedies were formulated by Dr. Edward Bach a British physician, in the 1930’s. There is not written records of many cultures using flower essences but they did including the Australian aborigines, Egyptians, The Malay and Africans using them for thousands of years.
The closest to an essence is the dew in the flowers
The earliest recorded use of Flower Essences was by Hildegard von Bingen. She was a German Abbess, declared a prophet of the catholic church and Mystic of the 12th Century. We can see they have been around for long time.
Flower Essences has been recognized by WHO-World Health Organization since 1976 as a very useful system.
How do flower essences work?
Energy and Vibrations are transmitted all around us
Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants which interact with the subtle bodies of the human being, and bring to the surface specific qualities within us, within our soul. We need to acknowledge that a human being is more than just the physical body. We have emotions, and our body is a light-energy body full of sensitivities and feelings. We have a soul or essence and it is called by different names according to a person’s belief system. Today in our times modern physics has known for nearly a century that matter and consciousness are intertwined, so if we can change consciousness, we can change matter. I expect that very soon medical science will develop ways of studying the impact of consciousness on health; we are getting close with all the advances in Quantum fields.
Flower Essences work in a similar way to inspirational music or art. They carry their vibrations through sound or light and also through the medium of water.
Sound through air
Sound through water
They work on a mental and emotional level, harmonizing negative feelings and belief patterns held in the subconscious mind and help to balance the physical body.
We can balance with mother earth’s natural gifts
Healers such as Paracelsus, Hahnemann, Hippocrates, Steiner, and Bach believed “GOOD HEALTH” was a result of emotional, mental and spiritual harmony. They found when they treated their patient’s emotional imbalances, their physical unbalances were healed.
Learning Skills
Self Esteem
And much more….. without side effects and amazing results!
Flower essences contain only minute traces of actual physical substance. They are primarily vibrational in nature, as are homeopathic remedies. This means that they are non-toxic and one cannot overdose on them. Children love them , they can recognize on a deeper level that they help them!
Flower Essences can be taken at the same time with medication and they do not interfere either.
A just born baby can take Flower Essences; it is totally safe for them 100%.
FLOWER ESSENCE THERAPY IS LIKE PEELING AN ONION…………we get to the core cause of the emotion, the trauma, the issue and we address it….
It is very important to give the time to the therapy to reach the deeper levels of the emotions to be healed.
Let’s allow ourselves to reach our greatest potential by healing the deeper emotions that limit us in ways that we are not able to see or recognize.
The sky is the limit with Flower Essences.
Please visit our Testimonials sessions in our website.
With Love and Compassion
Adriana Jacobson N.D
Naturopath Doctor